Saturday, December 4, 2010

Faith in Future Grace

Impatience is a form of unbelief. It's what we begin to feel when we start to doubt the wisdom of God's timing or the goodness of God's guidance. It springs up in our hearts when our plan is interrupted or shattered. It may be promped by a long wait in a checkout line or a sudden blow that knocks out half our dreams. The opposite of impatience is not a glib denial of loss. It's a deepening, ripening, peaceful willingness to wait for God in the unplanned place of obedience-to wait in his place, and go at his pace. And the key is faith in future grace.

Just as you can look back and see where grace has been bestowed upon you, you can be certain there is grace in the future: future grace.

Lamentations 3:25

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